< PreviousABSTRACTS10 Abstracts Nr & Co-authors Presentation Nr TitlePresenterDateTime Inter- vention LocationSession Code Session TypeSessionSession Time 2317P2166 Minimum inhibitory concentration evaluation of BWC0977, a novel bacterial topoisomerase inhibi- tor, against recent drug resistant clinical isolates Tarun Mathur17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS036 Poster Session 5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & basic pharmacology of antibacteri- al agents (incl. investigational and non-traditional therapeutics) 12:00 Tarun Mathur (1), Meredith Hackel (2), Dan Sahm (2), V Balasubramanian (3), Vasanthi Ramachandran (3) - (1) Ihma India, India, (2) Ihma Inc., United States, (3) Bugworks Research India Pvt. Ltd., India 2320P0173 AVIAR - flies (arthropods) as vectors of infection and antimicrobial resistance: a pilot study Edward Ar Portal 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS019 Poster Session 3b. Resistance surveillance and epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12:00 Edward Ar Portal (1), Chioma Achi (1), Shonnette Premchand-Branker (1), Maria Nieto-Rosado (1), Kate Cook (1), Claudia Orbegozo Rubio (1), Yahaya Mohammed (2), Aminu Aliyu (3), Oyinlola O Oduyebo (4), Ifeyinwa Nwafia (5), Seniyat Afegbua (6), Kenneth Iregbu (7), Kirsty Sands (1), Timothy R Walsh (1) - (1) Ineos Oxford Institute For Antimicrobial Research, Department Of Biology, University Of Oxford, United Kingdom, (2) Department Of Microbiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (Uduth), Nigeria, (3) Department Of Microbiology, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, (4) Department Of Microbiology, Lagos University Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, (5) Department Of Microbiology, University Of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Nigeria, (6) Department Of Microbiology, Faculty Of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, (7) Department Of Microbiology, National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria 2324O1109 An evaluation to determine if adding lactoferrin testing increases the sensitivity of rapid test algo- rithms for detecting C. difficile infection Kerrie Davies18-04-20239:18Hall COS230 2-hour Oral Session Diagnosis and prevention of anti- microbial-resistant infections 8:30 Kerrie Davies (1), Ines Moura (1), Anna Casey (2), Liz Ratcliffe (2), Walter Graham (3), James Boone (3), Mark Wilcox (1) - (1) Healthcare Associated Infections Research Group, University Of Leeds And Leeds Teaching Hospitals Nhs Trust, United Kingdom, (2) University Hospitals Birmingham Nhs Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, (3) Techlab Inc, United States 2325P2713 Supporting the COVID-19 vaccine programme through robust epidemiological vaccine safety investigations Julia Stowe17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS088 Poster Session 12g. Vaccine development, trials, efficacy, policy 12:00 Julia Stowe, Nick Andrews, Heather Whitaker, Liz Miller, Mary Ramsay, Gayatri Amirthalingam - (1) Ukhsa, United Kingdom 2326P1613 Cross-comparison of two commercially available MALDI TOF systems for bacterial identification Jakub Hurych16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS028 Poster Session 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteo- mic methods 12:00 Jakub Hurych, Zuzana Zahradníková, Milena Antušková, Pavel Dřevínek - (1) Department Of Medical Microbiology, 2Nd Faculty Of Medicine, Charles University, University Hospital Motol, Czech Republic 2327P0470 Changes in minimal inhibitory concentrations of several antibiotics in consecutive isolates of KPC-producing K. pneumoniae from long-term colonised patients Manuel A. Rodríguez-Ig- lesias 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS021 Poster Session 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) 12:00 Alejandra Mateo-Vargas, Salud Rodríguez-Pallares, Manuel A. Rodríguez-Iglesias, Fátima Galán-Sánchez - (1) Hospital Universitario Puerta Del Mar, Spain 2329P1866 Clostridioides difficileribotyping by Fourier trans- form infrared spectroscopy and machine learning David Rodri- guez-Temporal 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS035 Poster Session 4j. Other novel diagnostic tech- nologies 12:00 Mario Blázquez-Sánchez (1, 2), David Rodriguez-Temporal (1, 2), Ana Candela (1, 2), María Sánchez-Cueto (1, 2), Manuel J Arroyo (3), Mercedes Marín (1, 2), Adoración Martín (1), Laura Jiménez-Navarro (1), Luis Alcalá (1), Gema Méndez (3), Patricia Muñoz (1, 2, 4), Luis Mancera (3), Belén Rodríguez-Sánchez (1, 2) - (1) Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Department, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Spain, (2) Instituto De Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Spain, (3) Clover Bioanalytical Software, Spain, (4) Ciber De Enfermedades Respiratorias (Ciberes Cb06/06/0058), Spain 2330O1039 Concordance between upper and lower respirato- ry tracts microbiota in children with cystic fibrosis Sedreh Nas- sirnia 17-04-202317:51Hall LOS218 2-hour Oral Session Metagenomic testing to improve laboratory diagnostics for infecti- ous diseases 16:15 Sedreh Nassirnia (1), Valentin Scherz (1), Gilbert Greub (1, 2), Katia Jaton (1), Sebastien Papis (3), Klara Posfay-Barbe (3), Anne Mornand (4), Isabelle Rochat-Guignard (5), Claire Bertelli (6), Sandra Asner5 (2, 7) - (1) Institute Of Microbiology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (2) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Internal Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, (3) Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit, Children’S Hospital Of Geneva, University Hospitals Of Geneva, Switzer land, (4) Pediatric Pulmonology Unit, Children’S Hospital Of Geneva, University Hospitals Of Geneva, Switzerland, (5) Pediatric Pulmonology Unit, Department Mother-Woman-Child, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, (6) Institute Of Microbiology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, (7) Pediatric Infectious Diseases And Vaccinology Unit, Department 6Mother-Woman-Child, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland 2331E0088 Up the drain? Bromination of toilets and patient education keep transmission rates of multidrug-re- sistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa low Anca Rath15-04-20238:42Arena 3EF016 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Down the drain: infection control and the environment 8:30 Anca Rath (1), Bärbel Kieninger (1), Hahn Joachim (2), Aila Caplunik-Pratsch (1), Jürgen Fritsch (1), Wulf Schneider-Brachert (1) - (1) Department Of Infection Prevention And Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany, (2) Department Of Internal Medicine Iii, Hematology And Oncology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany 2332P0106 Prevalence of the main sequence types and distri- bution of carbapenemases in Enterobacteriaceae in thirdlevel hospital in Spain Noelia Parajó Pazos 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS019 Poster Session 3b. Resistance surveillance and epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12:00 Laura Milian Gay, José Javier Costa Alcalde, Noelia Parajó Pazos, Julia Colón Pérez, María Amparo Coira Nieto, María Luisa Pérez Del Molino Bernal - (1) Microbiology And Parasitology Service, Spain 2333P3467 Does orphan legislation provide the same protecti- on of patient safety when developing anti-Pseudo- monas drugs as non-orphan legislation? Michael Graz18-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS076 Poster Session 11a. Professional affairs and career development 12:00 Michael Graz (1), Catherine Kelly (2) - (1) Costerton Biofilm Center, University Of Copenhagen, Denmark, (2) University Of Bristol Law School, United Kingdom 2334O0065 Comparison of long-read vs short-read sequencing data for rapid sample-to-genotype MRSA in clinical diagnostics Amaya C. Lagos15-04-20239:06Hall LOS013 2-hour Oral Session All about whole genome sequen- cing in diagnostic microbiology 8:30 Amaya C. Lagos (1), Marc Stegger (2), Bo Söderquist (1, 3), Martin Sundqvist (1), Paula Mölling (1) - (1) Department Of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Microbiology, Faculty Of Medicine And Health, Örebro University, Sweden, (2) Department Of Bacteria, Parasites And Fungi, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark, (3) School Of Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden 2336E0173 Direct identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes in culture negative paediatric clinical samples by a PCR reverse-hybridization strip-based commercial assay Marta Pérez Abeledo 15-04-202311:24Arena 3EF035 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Improving bloodstream infection diagnostics 11:00 Marta Pérez Abeledo (1), Gloria Zaragoza (2), Susana Gamen (3), Ruth De Luis (3), Juan Carlos Sanz (4, 1) - (1) Unidad De Microbiología Clínica. Laboratorio Regional De Salud Pública De La Comunidad De Madrid. Dirección General De Salud Pública De La Comunidad De Madrid. Edificio De Usos Múltiples Hospital Enfermera Isabel Zendal, Spain, (2) Servicio De Microbiología Y Parasitología Del Hospital Universitario De Getafe, Spain, (3) Operon S.A., Zaragoza, Spain, (4) Ciber De Epidemiología Y Salud Pública (Ciberesp), Spain 2337P1517 Novel EFLM guideline for diagnostics of urinary tract infection: an update resource for clinical microbiology laboratories Sören Schubert16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS026 Poster Session 4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl. culture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology) 12:00 Sören Schubert (1), Martine Pestel-Caron (2), Audrey Merens (3), Jan Berg Gertsen (4), Timo Kouri (5) - (1) Max Von Pettenkofer Institute Of Hygiene And Medical Microbiology, Faculty Of Medicine, Lmu Munich, Germany, (2) Normandie University, Unirouen, Gram 2.0, Chu Rouen, Dept Of Microbiology, France, (3) Hôpital D’Instruction Des Armées Bégin, Service De Biologie Médicale, France, (4) Department Of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, (5) Department Of Clinical Chemistry, University Of Helsinki, Finland 2338P0377 Phenotypic and molecular analysis of the in vitro activity of delafloxacin against clinical isolates of Corynebacterium spp. Luis Martí- nez-Martínez 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS020 Poster Session 3c. Susceptibility testing methods (incl. assay validation, phenotypic assays and comparative studies, excl. TB) 12:00 Montserrat Muñoz-Rosa (1, 2), Cristina Elías-López (2, 3), Jesús Navas (4, 5), Luis Martínez-Martínez (2, 3, 6) - (1) 1. Reina Sofía University Hospital, Spain, (2) 2. Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute Of Cordoba, Spain, (3) 3. Ciber De Enfermedades Infecciosas (Ciberinfec), Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii (Isciii), Spain, (4) 4. Biomedage Group, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Cantabria, Spain, (5) 5. Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (Idival), Spain, (6) Department Of Agricultural Chemistry, Soil Sciences And Microbio logy, University Of Cordoba, Reina Sofía University Hospital , Spain 2339P0957 Fitness costs associated with virulence factors and colistin resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii: comparative metagenomic, transcriptomic and phenotypic analyses Jale Boral15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS064 Poster Session 9a. Microbial pathogenesis and virulence 12:00 Jale Boral (1), Cansel Vatansever (1), Gulin Ozcan (1), Sirin Menekse (2), Siran Keske (3), Mehmet Gonen (4), Onder Ergonul (5), Fusun Can (6) - (1) Koç University, Graduate School Of Health Sciences (Gshs), Koç University Işbank Center For Infectious Diseases (Kuiscid), Turkey, (2) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology, Kartal Koşuyolu Training And Research Hospital, Turkey, (3) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology, Koç University, Koç University Işbank Center For Infectious Diseases (Kuiscid), Turkey, (4) Department Of Industrial Engineering Koç University, Koç University Işbank Center For Infectious Diseases (Kuiscid), Turkey, (5) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology, Koç University, Turkey, (6) Department Of Medical Microbiology, Koç University, Turkey 2340E1323 In vitro evaluation of the interaction between me- ropenem/fosfomycin and meropenem/vaborbac- tam/fosfomycin in a clinical multi-drug resistant K. pneumoniae strain expressing KPC-2 Aneeq Farooq18-04-202313:42Arena 3EF270 1-hour ePoster Flash Session PK/PD: from bench to bedside and back 13:30 Aneeq Farooq (1), Niklas Kroemer (1), Jean-Winoc Decousser (2), Julien Buyck (3), Nicolas Grégoire (3), Patrice Nordmann (4), Sebastian G. Wicha (1) - (1) Dept. Of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute Of Pharmacy, University Of Hamburg, Germany, (2) Dynamic Team - Ea 7380FINAL PROGRAMME – 33RD ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 2023 11 CategorySub-categoryLink AbstractsLink EposterLink Oral Session 05. New antibacte- rial agents, PK/PD & Stewardship 5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & basic pharmacology of antibacterial agents (incl. investigational and non-traditional therapeutics) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13479&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2166 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemio- logy: Gram-negatives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13482&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0173 (7), Kirsty Sands (1), Timothy R Walsh (1) - (1) Ineos Oxford Institute For Antimicrobial Research, Department Of Biology, University Of Oxford, United Kingdom, (2) Department Of Microbiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (Uduth), Nigeria, (3) culty Of Life Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, (7) Department Of Microbiology, National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8f. Other healthcare associated infec- tions (incl. CDI, hospital outbreaks) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13486&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-18&openSession=OS230 ity Hospitals Birmingham Nhs Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, (3) Techlab Inc, United States 12. COVID-19 12g. Vaccine development, trials, efficacy, policy https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13487&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2713 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4c. MALTI-TOF and other proteomic methods https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13488&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1613 03. Bacterial suscepti - bility & resistance 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13489&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0470 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4j. Other novel diagnostic technologies https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13491&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1866 Luis Mancera (3), Belén Rodríguez-Sánchez (1, 2) - (1) Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Department, Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Spain, (2) Instituto De Investigación Sanitaria Gregorio Marañón, Spain, (3) Clover Bioanalytical 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4g. Microbiome studies (incl. clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13492&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=OS218 pital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (2) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Internal Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, (3) Pediatric Infectious Diseases Unit, Children’S Hospital Of Geneva, University Hospitals Of Geneva, Switzer- University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, (7) Pediatric Infectious Diseases And Vaccinology Unit, Department 6Mother-Woman-Child, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13493&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0088https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-15&openSession=EF016 Medicine Iii, Hematology And Oncology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemio- logy: Gram-negatives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13494&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0106 11. Other 11a. Professional affairs and career development https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13495&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P3467 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4f. Whole genome sequencing (incl. pathogen characterisation, diagnostics, excl. typing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13496&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-15&openSession=OS013 nd Fungi, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark, (3) School Of Medical Sciences, Örebro University, Sweden 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13498&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0173https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-15&openSession=EF035 d De Madrid. Edificio De Usos Múltiples Hospital Enfermera Isabel Zendal, Spain, (2) Servicio De Microbiología Y Parasitología Del Hospital Universitario De Getafe, Spain, (3) Operon S.A., Zaragoza, Spain, (4) Ciber De Epidemiología Y Salud Pública (Ciberesp), Spain 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl. cul- ture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13499&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1517 2.0, Chu Rouen, Dept Of Microbiology, France, (3) Hôpital D’Instruction Des Armées Bégin, Service De Biologie Médicale, France, (4) Department Of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, (5) Department Of Clinical Chemistry, University Of 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3c. Susceptibility testing methods (incl. assay validation, phenotypic assays and comparative studies, excl. TB) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13500&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0377 (Ciberinfec), Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii (Isciii), Spain, (4) 4. Biomedage Group, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Cantabria, Spain, (5) 5. Valdecilla Biomedical Research Institute (Idival), Spain, (6) Department Of Agricultural Chemistry, Soil Sciences And Microbio- 09. Experimental microbiology, micro- bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9a. Microbial pathogenesis & virulence https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13501&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0957 id), Turkey, (2) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology, Kartal Koşuyolu Training And Research Hospital, Turkey, (3) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Clinical Microbiology, Koç University, Koç University Işbank Center For Infectious Diseases obiology, Koç University, Turkey 05. New antibacte- rial agents, PK/PD & Stewardship 5b. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacody- namics of antibacterial drugs & thera- peutic drug monitoring https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13502&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E1323https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-18&openSession=EF270 380 , Faculte De Sante, Université Paris-Est-Créteil Val-De-Marne, France, (3) Inserm U 1070 , University Of Poitiers, France, (4) Medical And Molecular Microbiology, University Of Fribourg, SwitzerlandABSTRACTS12 Abstracts Nr & Co-authors Presentation Nr TitlePresenterDateTime Inter- vention LocationSession Code Session TypeSessionSession Time 2342O0784 Higher colistin dosing associated with a lower mortality in neonates with carbapenem resistant infections Michelle Cle- ments 17-04-20239:54Hall NOS158 2-hour Oral Session Last line antibiotics against pan- drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria 8:30 Michelle Clements (1), Aislinn Cook (2), Sarah Walker (1), Adrie Bekker (3), Wolfgang Stohr (1), Julia Bielicki (2), Mike Sharland (2) - (1) Mrc Clinical Trials Unit At Ucl, United Kingdom, (2) Centre For Neonatal And Paediatric Infection, Institute For Infection & Immunity, St George’S, University Of London, United Kingdom, (3) Department Of Paediatrics And Child Health, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 2343P2990 Impact of shift work on anti-SARS-CoV-2 spike-pro- tein serum concentrations after primary mRNA vaccination Gianluca Menghini 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS071 Poster Session 10c. General vaccinology (incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, policy, social aspects) 12:00 Gianluca Menghini (1), Robert Thurnheer (1), Christian Kahlert (2, 3), Philipp Kohler (2), Fabian Grässli (2), Reto Stocker (4), Manuel Battegay (5), Danielle Vuichard-Gysin (1, 6, 7) - (1) Department Of Internal Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Muensterlingen, Switzerland, (2) Division Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, Cantonal Hospital St Gallen, Switzerland, (3) Children’S Hospital Of Eastern Switzerland, Department Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, Switzerland, (4) Hirslanden Clinic, Switzerland, (5) Division Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, (6) Thurgau Hospital Group, Division Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, Switzerland, (7) Switzerland National Center For Infection Prevention (Switzerlandnoso), Switzerland 2346P0467 In vitro activity of delafloxacin and correlation with mutations in quinolone resistance determining regions in clinical isolates of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Manuel A. Rodriguez-Ig- lesias 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS021 Poster Session 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) 12:00 Pablo Fernandez-Palacios, Fátima Galán-Sánchez, Federico Arroyo-Navarro, Manuel A. Rodriguez-Iglesias - (1) Hospital Universitario Puerta Del Mar, Spain 2347E0641 Antimicrobial drugs penetration in human abdo- minal abscesses Alicia Cancela Costa 16-04-202315:33Arena 2EF132 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Gastrointestinal and abdominal infections: epidemiology to ma- nagement 14:45 Alicia Cancela Costa (1), Antonios Kritikos (2), Emmanouil Glampedakis (3), Fabian Grass (4), Emilie Uldry (4), Constant Delabays (4), Jorge Da Silva Pereira Clara (5), Fabian Schaller (5), Jean-Luc Pagani (6), Benoit Guery (1), Laurent Decosterd (5), Frederic Lamoth (1) - (1) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (2) Institute Of Microbiology, Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (3) Hospital Preventive Medicine Service, Department Of Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, (4) Department Of Visceral Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (5) Laboratory And Service Of Clinical Pharmacology, Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (6) Service Of Intensive Care Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland 2348P2188 Revisiting ethionamide in vivo activity through its metabolite exposure Michel Pieren17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS037 Poster Session 5b. Pharmacokinetics/pharma- codynamics of antibacterial drugs & therapeutic drug monitoring 12:00 Thomas Maitre (1), Glenn Dale (2), Zainab Edoo (3), Mohammad Al-Shaer (4), Anne-Grete Märtson (5), Caryn Upton (6), Céline Mory (7), Najoua El Helali (7), Aurélie Chauffour (1), Laure Fournier Le Ray (1), Alexandre Godmer (8), Alexandra Aubry (8), Aurore Dreneau (3), Nicolas Willand (9), Alain Baulard (10), Marc Gitzinger (2), Sergio Lociuro (2), Michel Pieren (2), Nicolas Veziris (8) - (1) Sorbonne Université, France, (2) Bioversys Ag, Switzerland, (3) Bioversys Sas, France, (4) University Of Florida, United States, (5) University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands, (6) Task, South Africa, (7) Hôpital Saint-Joseph, France, (8) Sorbonne Université, Aphp, France, (9) Univ. Lille, Inserm, Institut Pasteur De Lille, France, (10) Univ. Lille, Cnrs, Inserm, Institut Pasteur De Lille, France 2351E1317 On-time typing is possible: Fourier transform inf- rared spectroscopy vs microsatellite-based typing of azole-resistant bloodstream infection Candida parapsilosis isolates Elena De Carolis 18-04-202313:54Arena 1EF269 1-hour ePoster Flash Session What‘s new in the fungal diagno- stic field 13:30 Elena De Carolis (1), Benedetta Falasca (1), Aina Mesquida (2), Pilar Escribano (2), Patricia Muñoz (2), Jesús Guinea (2), Maurizio Sanguinetti (1) - (1) Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli, Irccs, Italy, (2) Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Spain 2352P1331 High risk of urinary tract infections within the first 12 months of kidney transplant: a retrospective analysis at the transplant center of a tertiary care hospital in Germany Anca Rath16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS013 Poster Session 2d. Community-acquired abdo- minal/gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Anca Rath (1), Nilufarbayim Mirzaliyeva (1), Andrea Müller (1), Tobias Bergler (2), Antonia Schuster (2), Bernhard Banas (2), Bärbel Kieninger (1), Aila Caplunik-Pratsch (1), Jürgen Fritsch (1), Wulf Schneider-Brachert (1) - (1) Department Of Infection Prevention And Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany, (2) Department Of Nephrology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany 2354P0722 Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Austria during the COVID-19 pandemic Andrea Grisold15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS059 Poster Session 8e. Hospital epidemiology, trans- mission, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) 12:00 Andrea Grisold (1), Julia Schmidt (2), Josefa Luxner (1), Thiemo Greistofer (1), Carla Klein (1), Gernot Zarfel (1) - (1) Diagnostic And Research Center For Molecular Biomedicine, Medical University Graz, Austria, (2) Biomedical Science, University Of Applied Sciences, Austria 2355P0102 Higher frequency and mortality rate of antimicro- bial-resistant bloodstream infections in tertiary care hospitals compared with secondary care hospitals in Thailand Cherry Lim15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS019 Poster Session 3b. Resistance surveillance and epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12:00 Cherry Lim (1, 2), Viriya Hantrakun (2), Preeyarach Klaytong (2), Chalida Rangsiwutisak (2), Ratanaporn Tangwangvivat (3), Chadaporn Phiancharoen (3), Pawinee Doung-Ngern (3), Somkid Kripattanapong (3), Soawapak Hinjoy (3), Narisorn Lorchirachoonkul (4), Suwimon Khusuwan (5), Suwatthiya Siriboon (6), Parinya Chamnan (6), Traithep Fongthong (3), Phairam Boonyarit (3), Benn Sartorius (1, 7), John Stelling (8), Paul Turner (1, 9), Nicholas P J Day (1, 2), Direk Limmathurotsakul (1, 2) - (1) Centre For Tropical Medicine And Global Health, Nuffield Department Of Medicine, University Of Oxford, United Kingdom, (2) Mahidol Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Unit, Faculty Of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand, (3) Ministry Of Public Health, Thailand, (4) Ratchaburi Hospital, Thailand, (5) Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital, Thailand, (6) Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, Thailand, (7) Department Of Health Metrics Sciences, School Of Medicine, University Of Washington, United States, (8) Brigham And Women‘S Hospital And Harvard Medical School, United States, (9) Cambodia-Oxford Medical Research Unit, Angkor Hospital For Children, Cambodia 2356P1217 Distribution of PSM-mec gene among Staphylococ- cus epidermidis responsible for sepsis in preterm infants and correlation to antibiotic multi-re- sistance Nadège Bour- geois-Nicolaos 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS011 Poster Session 2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl. epidemiology, diagnosis, host bio-markers, treat- ment and outcome prediction) 12:00 Kahina Allouche (1), Marie-Liesse Etienne (1), Dera Andriantahiana (1), Caroline Benet (1), Daniele De Luca (1, 2), Florence Doucet-Populaire (1, 3), Nadège Bourgeois-Nicolaos (1, 3) - (1) Ap-Hp Université Paris-Sacaly, France, (2) Physiopathology And Therapeutic Innovation Unit-Inserm U999, Université Paris-Saclay, France, (3) I2Bc, France 2357O0215 Potential drug-drug interactions of antifungal prophylaxis and midostaurin in FLT3-mutated acute myeloid leukemia: clinical implications of therapeutic drug monitoring Jannik Stemler15-04-202313:54Hall OOS047 1-hour Oral Session Pharmacokinetics, also important for fungal infection treatment 13:30 Carolin Joisten (1, 2), Carsten Müller (3), Sybille Mellinghoff (1, 2), Christian Maurer (1), Karl-Anton Kreuzer (1), Martin Wiesen (3), Philipp Köhler (1), Oliver A. Cornely (1, 2, 4), Jannik Stemler (1, 2, 4) - (1) University Of Cologne, Faculty Of Medicine, And University Hospital Cologne, Department I Of Internal Medicine, Excellence Center For Medical Mycology (Ecmm), Germany, (2) University Of Cologne, Faculty Of Medicine And University Hospital Cologne, Chair Translational Research, Cologne Excellence Cluster On Cellular Stress Responses In Aging-Associated Diseases (Cecad), Germany, (3) University Of Cologne, Faculty Of Medicine And University Hospital Cologne, Pharmacology At The Laboratory Centre, Department Of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Germany, (4) German Centre For Infection Research (Dzif), Partner Site Bonn-Cologne, Germany 2358P0795 Investigating aqueous environmental colonisation by carbapenemase genes: testing sink strainers might be adequate? Kalisvar Mari- muthu 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS059 Poster Session 8e. Hospital epidemiology, trans- mission, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) 12:00 Kalisvar Marimuthu (1, 2), Xiaowei Huan (1, 2), Zaw Linn Kyaw (1, 2), Dennis Loy (1, 2), Jasmine Chua (1, 2), Nurhidayah Binte Mohamed Yazid (1, 2), Jin Ting Ong (1, 2), Pei Yun Ho (1, 2), Shawn Vasoo (1, 2), Oon Tek Ng (1, 2) - (1) National Centre For Infectious Diseases, Singapore, (2) Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore 2359P1300 Reduced pneumococcal carriage among older adults following COVID-19 lockdown in Denmark Michaela Tinggaard 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS012 Poster Session 2c. Community-acquired respira- tory infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Michaela Tinggaard (1), Hans Christian Slotved (2), Randi Føns Petersen (2), Nichlas Hovmand (1), Thomas Benfield (1) - (1) Center Of Research And Disruption Of Infectious Diseases, Department Of Infectious Diseases, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark, (2) Statens Serum Institute, Denmark 2360O0434 Long-term persistence of a highly promiscuous IncL-blaVIM-1 plasmid in ICU hospital sinks Sonia Ara- cil-Gisbert 16-04-20239:18Hall NOS085 2-hour Oral Session Resistance epidemiology in a One Health perspective 8:30 Sonia Aracil-Gisbert (1), Natalia Guerra-Pinto (1), Miguel D Fernández-De-Bobadilla (1), Silvia Serrano-Calleja (1), Rafael Cantón (1), Fernando Baquero (1), Henrik Hasman (2), Teresa M Coque (1) - (1) Department Of Microbiology, Ramón Y Cajal University Hospital And Ramón Y Cajal Health Research Institute (Irycis), Ramón And Cajal Hospital, Spain, (2) Department Of Bacteria, Parasites And Fungi, Statens Serum Institute (Ssi), Denmark 2361E1343 A novel peptide-based vaccine targeting bacterial glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase to prevent neonatal infections Filipa Lemos18-04-202314:54Arena 4EF272 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Immune response in vaccine preventable diseases 14:30 Filipa Lemos (1), Marta Vieira (1), Ana Fidalgo (1), Carla Teixeira (1), Pedro Castanheira (1), Olga Caramelo (2), Pedro Madureira (1) - (1) Immunethep, Portugal, (2) Chuc, Portugal 2362P1532 Evaluation of an immunochromatographic test for the rapid diagnosis of the pneumococcal invasive disease in culture negative cases Juan Carlos Sanz Moreno 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS026 Poster Session 4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl. culture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology) 12:00 Juan Carlos Sanz Moreno (1), Gloria Zaragoza (2), Belén Ramos (1), Teresa Gómez (1), Beatriz Martín (3), Virginia León (3) - (1) Unidad De Microbiología Clínica, Laboratorio Regional De Salud Pública. Dirección General De Salud Pública, Spain, (2) Servicio De Microbiología. Hospital Universitario De Getafe, Spain, (3) Operon S.A., SpainFINAL PROGRAMME – 33RD ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 2023 13 CategorySub-categoryLink AbstractsLink EposterLink Oral Session 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3f. Clinical outcome of resistant infec- tions (retrospective and prospective studies, excl. clinical trials of new drugs) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13504&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=OS158 ty, St George’S, University Of London, United Kingdom, (3) Department Of Paediatrics And Child Health, Stellenbosch University, South Africa 10. Immunology, Immune compromise & vaccinology 10c. General vaccinology (incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, policy, social aspects) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13505&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2990 , (2) Division Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, Cantonal Hospital St Gallen, Switzerland, (3) Children’S Hospital Of Eastern Switzerland, Department Of Infectious Diseases And Hospital Epidemiology, Switzerland, (4) Hirslanden Clinic, Switzerland, (5) andnoso), Switzerland 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13508&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0467 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2d. Community-acquired abdominal/ gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13509&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0641https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-16&openSession=EF132 - (1) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (2) Institute Of Microbiology, Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of rvice Of Clinical Pharmacology, Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (6) Service Of Intensive Care Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland 05. New antibacte- rial agents, PK/PD & Stewardship 5b. Pharmacokinetics/pharmacody- namics of antibacterial drugs & thera- peutic drug monitoring https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13510&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2188 au (3), Nicolas Willand (9), Alain Baulard (10), Marc Gitzinger (2), Sergio Lociuro (2), Michel Pieren (2), Nicolas Veziris (8) - (1) Sorbonne Université, France, (2) Bioversys Ag, Switzerland, (3) Bioversys Sas, France, (4) University Of Florida, United States, (5) University 06. Fungal infection & disease 6c. Antifungal susceptibility testing & resistance (incl. surveillance) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13513&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E1317https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-18&openSession=EF269 ain 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2d. Community-acquired abdominal/ gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13514&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1331 nfectious Diseases, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany, (2) Department Of Nephrology, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany 08. Healthcare-as - sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13516&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0722 Austria 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemio- logy: Gram-negatives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13517&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0102 imon Khusuwan (5), Suwatthiya Siriboon (6), Parinya Chamnan (6), Traithep Fongthong (3), Phairam Boonyarit (3), Benn Sartorius (1, 7), John Stelling (8), Paul Turner (1, 9), Nicholas P J Day (1, 2), Direk Limmathurotsakul (1, 2) - (1) Centre For Tropical Medicine And , Thailand, (5) Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital, Thailand, (6) Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital, Thailand, (7) Department Of Health Metrics Sciences, School Of Medicine, University Of Washington, United States, (8) Brigham And Women‘S Hospital And Harvard Medical 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl. epidemiology, diag- nosis, host bio-markers, treatment and outcome prediction) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13518&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1217 novation Unit-Inserm U999, Université Paris-Saclay, France, (3) I2Bc, France 06. Fungal infection & disease 6d. Antifungal drugs & treatment (incl. clinical trials) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13519&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-15&openSession=OS047 Hospital Cologne, Department I Of Internal Medicine, Excellence Center For Medical Mycology (Ecmm), Germany, (2) University Of Cologne, Faculty Of Medicine And University Hospital Cologne, Chair Translational Research, Cologne Excellence Cluster On Cellular For Infection Research (Dzif), Partner Site Bonn-Cologne, Germany 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13520&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0795 ses, Singapore, (2) Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2c. Community-acquired respiratory infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13521&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1300 ) Statens Serum Institute, Denmark 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13522&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-16&openSession=OS085 And Ramón Y Cajal Health Research Institute (Irycis), Ramón And Cajal Hospital, Spain, (2) Department Of Bacteria, Parasites And Fungi, Statens Serum Institute (Ssi), Denmark 10. Immunology, Immune compromise & vaccinology 10e. Antibacterial vaccines https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13523&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E1343https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-18&openSession=EF272 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4a. Diagnostic bacteriology (incl. cul- ture based, traditional and general microbiology, serology) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13524&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1532 iología. Hospital Universitario De Getafe, Spain, (3) Operon S.A., SpainABSTRACTS14 Abstracts Nr & Co-authors Presentation Nr TitlePresenterDateTime Inter- vention LocationSession Code Session TypeSessionSession Time 2364P1734 Clinical performance evaluation of a multiplex RT- PCR test for detection of adenovirus, human me- tapneumovirus, parainfluenza and rhino/enterovi- ruses in patients with respiratory infections Jelena Feenstra16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS029 Poster Session 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 Johnny Yu, Xuemei Wang, Harita Veereshlingam, Oceane Sorel, Jelena Feenstra, Manoj Gandhi - (1) Thermo Fisher Scientific, United States 2365P0468 Genetic basis for in vivo piperacillin/tazobactam resistance in Escherichia coli Lidia Gal- vez-Benitez 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS021 Poster Session 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) 12:00 Lidia Galvez-Benitez (1, 2), Jose Manuel Ortiz De La Rosa (1, 2), Angel Rodriguez-Villodres (1, 2, 3), Carlos S Casimiro-Soriguer (1, 2), Irene Molina-Panadero (4), Rocio Alvarez-Marin (1, 2, 3), Rémy Bonnin (5), Thierry Naas (5), Jeronimo Pachon (2, 6), Jose Miguel Cisneros (1, 2, 3), Jose Antonio Lepe (1, 2, 3), Younes Smani (7, 4, 2) - (1) Clinical Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology And Parasitology, University Hospital Virgen Del Rocío, Spain, (2) Institute Of Biomedicine Of Seville (Ibis), University Hospital Virgen Del Rocío/ Csic/University Of Seville, Spain, (3) Centro De Investigación Biomédica En Red De Enfermedades Infecciosas (Ciberinfec), Spain, (4) Andalusian Center Of Developmental Biology, Csic, University Of Pablo De Olavide, Spain, (5) Ea 7361 , Université Paris-Saclay, Labex Lermit, Bacteriology-Hygiene Unit, Aphp, Hôpital Bicêtre, Eera ‚Evolution And Ecology Of Resistance To Antibiotics‘ Unit, Institut Pasteur-Aphp- Université Paris-Sud, France, (6) Department Of Medicine, University Of Seville, Spain, (7) Department Of Molecular Biology And Biochemical Engineering, University Of Pablo De Olavide, Spain 2367P1127 Population-based genomic epidemiology study for tailored strategies for surveillance and control of tuberculosis (TB-SEQ) in Catalonia, Spain Elisa Martró16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS010 Poster Session 2a. Tuberculosis and other mycob- acterial infections (incl. epidemio- logy, clinical, diagnostics, antimy- cobacterial drugs, susceptibility testing, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Verónica Saludes (1, 2), Mariana G López (3), Adrián Antuori (1), Manuela Torres-Puente (3), Laia Soler (1), Antoni E Bordoy (1), Fernando Alcaide (4, 5), Andreu C Pelegrin (1), Antonio Casabella (6), Gemma Clara (1), Eva Cuchi (7), Sandra Esteban-Cucó (8), Montserrat Garrigó (9), Julian González (10, 11), Ana Blanco (1), Sara González-Gómez (1), Yolanda Hernández-Hermida (4), Evelin López-Corbeto (12, 2), Joan López (13), Carmina Martí (14), Joan Pau Millet (15, 2), Esteve Muntada (12, 2), Àngela Domínguez (5, 2), Pere Godoy (16, 2), María Dolores Guerrero (17), David Panisello Yagüe (1), Ester Picó-Plana (18), Iván Prats (19), Cristina Rius (15, 2), Tamara Soler (17), Nuria Torrellas (20), Mª Teresa Tórtola (21, 11), Glòria Trujillo (13), Griselda Tudó (10, 5), Eva Vicente (8), Paula Costa (22), Xavier Casas (23), Jordi Casabona (12, 2), Pere-Joan Cardona (1, 24), Iñaki Comas (3, 2), Elisa Martró (1, 2) - (1) Microbiology Department, Laboratori Clínic Metropolitana Nord. Germans Trias I Pujol University Hospital And Research Institute (Igtp), Spain, (2) Ciber In Epidemiology And Public Health (Ciberesp), Spain, (3) Tuberculosis Genomics Unit, Instituto De Biomedicina De Valencia (Ibv) -Csic, Spain, (4) Hospital Universitari De Bellvitge-Idibell, Spain, (5) Universitat De Barcelona, Spain, (6) Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí-Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona, Spain, (7) Catlab-Centre Analítiques Terrassa Aie, Spain, (8) Laboratori De Referència De Catalunya, Spain, (9) Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Spain, (10) Hospital Clínic De Barcelona-Isglobal, Spain, (11) Ciber In Infecti ous Diseases (Ciberinfec), Spain, (12) Centre D’Estudis Epidemiològics Sobre Les Its I Sida De Catalunya (Ceeiscat), Spain, (13) Fundació Althaia. Hospital Sant Joan De Déu, Spain, (14) Hospital General De Granollers, Spain, (15) Agència De Salut Pública De Barcelona, Spain, (16) Institut De Recerca Biomédica De Lleida (Irblleida) -Universitat De Lleida, Spain, (17) Consorci Del Laboratori Intercomarcal (Clilab) De L‘Alt Penedès, L‘Anoia I El Garraf, Spain, (18) Hospital Universitari Joan Xxiii, Spain, (19) Hospital Universitari Arnau De Vilanova, Spain, (20) Laboratori Fundació Hospital De Palamós, Spain, (21) Hospital Universitari Vall D‘Hebron, Spain, (22) Laboratori Clínic Territorial De Girona. Hospital Universitari De Girona Dr. Josep Trueta, Spain, (23) Serveis Clínics, Spain, (24) Ciber In Respiratory Diseases (Ciberes), Spain 2369P0092 Pseudomonas aeruginosa in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis: clinical features, antibiotic susceptibility results, antibiotic resistance genes and molecular typing Öznur Gürpınar15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS019 Poster Session 3b. Resistance surveillance and epidemiology: Gram-negatives 12:00 Öznur Gürpinar (1), Beste Özsezen (2), Elmas Ebru Yalçin (2), Nagehan Emiralioğlu (2), Deniz Doğru (2), Uğur Özçelik (2), Iştar Dolapçi (3), Alper Tekeli (3), Özgen Köseoğlu Eser (1) - (1) Hacettepe University Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Medical Microbiology, Turkey, (2) Hacettepe University Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Chest Diseases, Turkey, (3) Ankara University Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Medical Microbiology, Turkey 2371P0967 The oral-gut axis: salivary and faecal dysbiosis in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) Mohamed M. H. Abdelbary 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS065 Poster Session 9b. Host-pathogen interaction (incl. basic microbiome studies, animal models) 12:00 Mohamed M. H. Abdelbary (1), Maximilian Hatting (2), Moshira Hammad (1), Alexandra Bott (1), Andrea Dahlhausen (3), Doris Keller (3), Christian Trautwein (2), Georg Conrads (1) - (1) Division Of Oral Microbiology And Immunology, Department Of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology And Preventive Dentistry, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (Rwth) University Hospital, Germany, (2) Department Of Medicine Iii, Rwth University Hospital, Germany, (3) University Medical Center For Occupational Medicine, Rwth University, Germany 2373E0811 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) : changing epidemiology and survival in a large cohort of patients Ilaria Mainardi17-04-20239:06Arena 3EF161 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Changing viral epidemiology8:30 Ilaria Mainardi (1), Daniele Ceccarelli (2), Simonetta Gerevini (3), Riccardo Vercesi (2), Roberta Caccia (2), Nicola Gianotti (2), Antonio Boschini (4), Maria Cristina Moioli (5), Antonella Castagna (2, 1), Laura Galli (2), Paola Cinque (2) - (1) Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy, (2) Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Irccs San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy, (3) Unit Of Neuroradiology, Asst Papa Giovanni Xxiii, Italy, (4) Centro Medico, Comunità Di San Patrignano, Italy, (5) Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital, Italy 2374P0035 Epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isola- ted from blood in 2022 in Poland Aleksandra Polak 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS018 Poster Session 3a. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-positives 12:00 Aleksandra Polak (1), Weronika Wygoda (1), Ewa Sadowy (2), Elżbieta Literacka (1), Małgorzata Grzegorczyk (1), Katarzyna Malinowska (1), Małgorzata Herda (1), Dorota Żabicka (1) - (1) Department Of Epidemiology And Clinical Microbiology, National Reference Centre For Susceptibility Testing (Korld), National Medicines Institute, Poland, (2) Department Of Molecular Microbiology, National Medicines Institute, Poland 2375P0844 Whole genome sequencing as a tool for outbreak management during a Serratia marcescens outbre- ak on a NICU in a Belgian hospital Sam Van Goethem 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS060 Poster Session 8f. Other healthcare associated infections (incl. CDI, hospital outbreaks) 12:00 Sam Van Goethem (1, 2), Basil Britto Xavier (1), Gerald Glupczynski (1), Philippe Willems (3), Bruno Van Herendael (3), Daan Van Brusselen (3), Katrien Hoet (3), Katleen Plaskie (3), Surbhi Malhotra (1), Herman Goossens (1) - (1) Antwerp University, Belgium, (2) Zna-Gza Hospital Network, Belgium, (3) Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen (Gza), Belgium 2376E0355 Effectiveness of fosfomycin trometamol as oral step-down therapy for bacteraemic urinary tract infections due to multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli: a post-hoc analysis of the FOREST randomised trial Jesús Sojo-Do- rado 15-04-202316:57Arena 2EF073 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Urinary tract infections: diagnostic and treatment issues 16:15 Jesús Sojo-Dorado (1), Inmaculada López-Hernández (1), Alicia Hernández-Torres (2), Pilar Retamar (1), Esperanza Merino De Lucas (3), Laura Escolà-Virgé (4), Elena Bereciartua (5), Elisa García-Vázquez (2), Vicente Pintado (6), Lucía Boix-Palop (7), Clara Natera-KIndialán (8), Luisa Sorlí (9), Nuria Borrell (10), Concha Amador-Prous (11), Evelyn Shaw (12), Alfredo Jover-Saenz (13), Jose Molina (14), Rosa M. Martínez-Álvarez (15), Carlos J. Dueñas (16), Jorge Calvo-Montes (17), María Lecuona (18), Virginia Pomar (19), Virginia Palomo (1), Fernando Docobo (20), Álvaro Pascual (1), Jesús Rodríguez-Baño (1) - (1) Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Spain, (2) Hospital Universitario Virgen De La Arrixaca, Spain, (3) Hospital General Universitario De Alicante, Spain, (4) Hospital Universitario Vall D‘Hebrón, Spain, (5) Hospital Universitario Cruces, Spain, (6) Hospital Universitario Ramón Y Cajal, Spain, (7) Hospital Universitari Mutua Terrassa, Spain, (8) Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Spain, (9) Hospital Del Mar, Spain, (10) Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Spain, (11) Hospital Marina Baixa, Spain, (12) Hospital Universitari Bellvitge, Spain, (13) Hospital Universitari Arnau De Vilanovae, Spain, (14) Hospital Universitario Virgen Del Rocío, Spain, (15) Hospital Royo Villanova, Spain, (16) Hospital Universitario De Burgos, Spain, (17) Hospital Universitario Marqués De Valdecilla, Spain, (18) Hospital Universitario De Canarias, Spain, (19) Hospital Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Spain, (20) Universidad De Sevilla, Spain 2378P3465 Complexity of patients with or without infectious disease consultation in tertiary care hospitals in Germany Charlotte Meyer-Schwi- ckerath 18-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS076 Poster Session 11a. Professional affairs and career development 12:00 Charlotte Meyer-Schwickerath (1), Daniel Hornuss (2), Siegbert Rieg (2), Florian Hitzenbichler (3), Stefan Hagel (4), Juliane Ankert (4), Annette Hennigs (5), Jan-Peter Glossmann (6), Norma Jung (1) - (1) University Of Cologne, Department I Of Internal Medicine, Division Of Infectious Diseases, Germany, (2) Medical Center - University Of Freiburg, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Medicine Ii, Division Of Infectious Diseases, Germany, (3) University Hospital Of Regensburg, Department Of Infection Prevention And Infectious Diseases, Germany, (4) Institute For Infectious Diseases And Infection Control, Jena University Hospital – Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany, (5) University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf , I. Department Of Medicine, Division Of Infectious Diseases, Germany, (6) University Of Cologne, Center Of Integrated Oncology Aachen Bonn Cologne Düsseldorf, Germany 2379P2960 Immunological monitoring of HCMV infection in seropositive solid organ transplant recipients Federica Za- vaglio 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS070 Poster Session 10b. Infections in immunocompro- mised hosts (incl. epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis, treatment, excl. fungal infections) 12:00 Federica Zavaglio (1), Francesca Rivela (2), Irene Cassaniti (1), Francesca Arena (1), Daniele Lilleri (1), Carlo Pellegrini (3, 4), Federica Meloni (5), Teresa Rampino (6), Marilena Gregorini (2, 6), Fausto Baldanti (1, 4) - (1) Microbiology And Virology Department, Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (2) Unit Of Nephrology, Dialysis And Transplantation, Fondazione Irccs. Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (3) Cardiac Surgery, Department Of Intensive Medicine, Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (4) Department Of Clinical, Surgical, Diagnostic And Pediatric Sciences, University Of Pavia, Italy, (5) Transplant Centre Unit, Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (6) Department Of Internal Medicine And Therapeutics, University Of Pavia, Italy 2380P0029 Phenotypic and genomic insights into biofilm for- mation in antibiotic-resistant clinical coagulase-ne- gative Staphylococcus species from South Africa Jonathan Asante 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS018 Poster Session 3a. Resistance surveillance & epidemiology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-positives 12:00 Jonathan Asante (1), Akebe Abia (2), Daniel Anokwah (1), Daniel Amoako (3) - (1) School Of Pharmacy And Pharmaceutical Sciences,University Of Cape Coast, Ghana, (2) College Of Health Sciences, University Of Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, (3) Centre For Respiratory Diseases And Meningitis, National Institute For Communicable Diseases, South Africa 2381P0664 Real-time monitoring biofilm growth dynamics using confocal laser scanning microscopy as a tool for understanding the diagnosis of catheter-rela- ted bloodstream infection Marta Díaz-Na- varro 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS055 Poster Session 8a. Intravascular catheter-related infections 12:00 Marta Díaz-Navarro (1), Rafael Samaniego (2), Juan Carlos Piqueras (3), Rafael Díez (3), Rama Hafian (3), Irene Manzano (3), Patricia Muñoz (4), María Guembe (5) - (1) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Hgugm), Spain, (2) Confocal Microscopy Unit, Hgugm, Spain, (3) School Of Biology, Spain, (4) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases, Spain, (5) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain 2382P1728 Prospective evaluation of the BioFire FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel performance in hospitalised infants Beata Kasztele- wicz 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS029 Poster Session 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 Beata Kasztelewicz, Katarzyna Skrok, Burzyńska Julia, Monika Adamczyk, Agnieszka Cader, Katarzyna Dzierzanowska-Fangrat - (1) The Children‘S Memorial Health Institute, Poland 2383P1871 Development and evaluation of a novel antigen detection rapid diagnostic test for Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus using clinical samples from Turkey Caitlin Thomp- son 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS035 Poster Session 4j. Other novel diagnostic tech- nologies 12:00 Caitlin Thompson (1), Patricia Blundell (1), Annelyse Duvoix (2), Michael Johnson (2), Hakan Hedef (3), Fatma Gonca Arslan (3), Yasemin Cosgun (3), Gülay Korukluoğlu (3), Emily Adams (1), Tom Fletcher (1), Ana Cubas Atienzar (1) - (1) Liverpool School Of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, (2) Global Access Diagnostics, United Kingdom, (3) Reference Virology Laboratory, Ministry Of Health, TurkeyFINAL PROGRAMME – 33RD ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 2023 15 CategorySub-categoryLink AbstractsLink EposterLink Oral Session 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13526&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1734 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3d. Resistance mechanisms incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, mobile elements (excl. TB) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13527&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0468 neros (1, 2, 3), Jose Antonio Lepe (1, 2, 3), Younes Smani (7, 4, 2) - (1) Clinical Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Microbiology And Parasitology, University Hospital Virgen Del Rocío, Spain, (2) Institute Of Biomedicine Of Seville (Ibis), University Hospital Virgen Del Rocío/ Lermit, Bacteriology-Hygiene Unit, Aphp, Hôpital Bicêtre, Eera ‚Evolution And Ecology Of Resistance To Antibiotics‘ Unit, Institut Pasteur-Aphp- Université Paris-Sud, France, (6) Department Of Medicine, University Of Seville, Spain, (7) Department Of Molecular 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2a. Tuberculosis and other mycobac- terial infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, diagnostics, antimycobacterial drugs, susceptibility testing, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13529&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1127 at Garrigó (9), Julian González (10, 11), Ana Blanco (1), Sara González-Gómez (1), Yolanda Hernández-Hermida (4), Evelin López-Corbeto (12, 2), Joan López (13), Carmina Martí (14), Joan Pau Millet (15, 2), Esteve Muntada (12, 2), Àngela Domínguez (5, 2), Pere (22), Xavier Casas (23), Jordi Casabona (12, 2), Pere-Joan Cardona (1, 24), Iñaki Comas (3, 2), Elisa Martró (1, 2) - (1) Microbiology Department, Laboratori Clínic Metropolitana Nord. Germans Trias I Pujol University Hospital And Research Institute (Igtp), Spain, (2) aulí-Universitat Autònoma De Barcelona, Spain, (7) Catlab-Centre Analítiques Terrassa Aie, Spain, (8) Laboratori De Referència De Catalunya, Spain, (9) Hospital De La Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Spain, (10) Hospital Clínic De Barcelona-Isglobal, Spain, (11) Ciber In Infecti- , Spain, (16) Institut De Recerca Biomédica De Lleida (Irblleida) -Universitat De Lleida, Spain, (17) Consorci Del Laboratori Intercomarcal (Clilab) De L‘Alt Penedès, L‘Anoia I El Garraf, Spain, (18) Hospital Universitari Joan Xxiii, Spain, (19) Hospital Universitari Arnau De ry Diseases (Ciberes), Spain 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3b. Resistance surveillance & epidemio- logy: Gram-negatives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13531&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0092 Turkey, (2) Hacettepe University Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Pediatric Chest Diseases, Turkey, (3) Ankara University Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Medical Microbiology, Turkey 09. Experimental microbiology, micro- bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9b. Host-pathogen interaction (incl. ba- sic microbiome studies, animal models) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13533&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0967 tistry, Periodontology And Preventive Dentistry, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (Rwth) University Hospital, Germany, (2) Department Of Medicine Iii, Rwth University Hospital, Germany, (3) University Medical Center For Occupational Medicine, Rwth 01. Viral infection & disease (non CO- VID-19) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13535&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0811https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=EF161 ersity, Italy, (2) Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Irccs San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Italy, (3) Unit Of Neuroradiology, Asst Papa Giovanni Xxiii, Italy, (4) Centro Medico, Comunità Di San Patrignano, Italy, (5) Unit Of Infectious Diseases, Niguarda Cà Granda Hospital, Italy 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3a. Resistance surveillance & epide- miology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-po- sitives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13536&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0035 ntre For Susceptibility Testing (Korld), National Medicines Institute, Poland, (2) Department Of Molecular Microbiology, National Medicines Institute, Poland 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8f. Other healthcare associated infec- tions (incl. CDI, hospital outbreaks) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13537&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0844 -Gza Hospital Network, Belgium, (3) Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen (Gza), Belgium 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl. epidemiology, diag- nosis, host bio-markers, treatment and outcome prediction) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13538&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0355https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-15&openSession=EF073 ialán (8), Luisa Sorlí (9), Nuria Borrell (10), Concha Amador-Prous (11), Evelyn Shaw (12), Alfredo Jover-Saenz (13), Jose Molina (14), Rosa M. Martínez-Álvarez (15), Carlos J. Dueñas (16), Jorge Calvo-Montes (17), María Lecuona (18), Virginia Pomar (19), Virginia io Vall D‘Hebrón, Spain, (5) Hospital Universitario Cruces, Spain, (6) Hospital Universitario Ramón Y Cajal, Spain, (7) Hospital Universitari Mutua Terrassa, Spain, (8) Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía, Spain, (9) Hospital Del Mar, Spain, (10) Hospital Universitario Son urgos, Spain, (17) Hospital Universitario Marqués De Valdecilla, Spain, (18) Hospital Universitario De Canarias, Spain, (19) Hospital Santa Creu I Sant Pau, Spain, (20) Universidad De Sevilla, Spain 11. Other 11a. Professional affairs and career development https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13540&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P3465 sion Of Infectious Diseases, Germany, (2) Medical Center - University Of Freiburg, Faculty Of Medicine, Department Of Medicine Ii, Division Of Infectious Diseases, Germany, (3) University Hospital Of Regensburg, Department Of Infection Prevention And Infectious many, (6) University Of Cologne, Center Of Integrated Oncology Aachen Bonn Cologne Düsseldorf, Germany 10. Immunology, Immune compromise & vaccinology 10b. Infections in immunocompromi- sed hosts (incl. epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis, treatment, excl. fungal infections) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13541&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2960 zione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (2) Unit Of Nephrology, Dialysis And Transplantation, Fondazione Irccs. Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (3) Cardiac Surgery, Department Of Intensive Medicine, Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, Italy, (4) Department Of 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3a. Resistance surveillance & epide- miology: MRSA, VRE & other Gram-po- sitives https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13542&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0029 ry Diseases And Meningitis, National Institute For Communicable Diseases, South Africa 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8a. Intravascular catheter-related infections https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13543&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0664 ugm), Spain, (2) Confocal Microscopy Unit, Hgugm, Spain, (3) School Of Biology, Spain, (4) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases, Spain, (5) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón, Spain 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13544&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1728 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4j. Other novel diagnostic technologies https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13545&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1871 edicine, United Kingdom, (2) Global Access Diagnostics, United Kingdom, (3) Reference Virology Laboratory, Ministry Of Health, TurkeyABSTRACTS16 Abstracts Nr & Co-authors Presentation Nr TitlePresenterDateTime Inter- vention LocationSession Code Session TypeSessionSession Time 2388P1327 Gut microbiota profiles of Salmonella in patients: a path toward protection Carmen Chen16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS013 Poster Session 2d. Community-acquired abdo- minal/gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Carmen Chen (1), Elena Montenegro-Borbolla (1), Michael Biggel (2), Roger Stephan (2), Gilbert Greub (3), Claire Bertelli (3), Benoît Guery (1) - (1) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Medicine, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (2) Institute For Food Safety And Hygiene, University Of Zurich, Switzerland, (3) Institute Of Microbiology, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland 2389P1000 In vitrostudy to evaluate the stability and efficacy of an oritavancin catheter lock solution against staphylococci and enterococci Marta Díaz-Na- varro 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS066 Poster Session 9c. Preclinical biofilm studies12:00 Marta Díaz-Navarro (1), Emilia Cercenado (1), Ariadna Monte (2), Andrés Visedo (1), Carmen Rodríguez (3), Patricia Muñoz (1) - (1) Department Of Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Hgugm), Spain, (2) School Of Biology, Ucm, Spain, (3) Department Of Pharmacy Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Hgugm), Spain 2390P1696 Performance comparison of three multiplex real-time PCR kits for detection of SARS-CoV-2, Flu A/B and RSV Jens Swinnen16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS029 Poster Session 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) 12:00 Jens Swinnen (1, 2), Lore Budts (2), Jade Michiels (2), Bram Slechten (2), Camilla Ulekleiv (3), Jelena Feenstra (3), Manoj Gandhi (3), Sunita Janssenswillen (2), Lies Laenen (2, 1), Els Keyaerts (2, 1), Emmanuel Andre (1, 2) - (1) Laboratory Of Clinical Microbiology, Department Of Microbiology, Immunology And Transplantation, Ku Leuven, Belgium, (2) Department Of Laboratory Medicine And National Reference Center For Respiratory Pathogens, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium, (3) Thermo Fisher Scientific, United States 2391O1041 INHALE WP3: clinical outcomes and antimicrobial stewardship analyses from of a multicentre RCT (INHALE) testing the utility of rapid multiplex PCR for hospital-acquired and ventilator-associated pneumonia in critical care Virve Enne17-04-202316:15Hall POS219 2-hour Oral Session Do we trust the results of new diagnostic technologies for the treatment of respiratory infec- tions? 16:15 Virve Enne (1), Susan Stirling (2), Julie Barber (1), Juliet High (2), Charlotte Russell (2), Kerry Dresser (2), Zaneeta Dhesi (1), David Brealey (3), Suveer Singh (4), Ann Marie Swart (2), David Livermore (2), Vanya Gant (3) - (1) University College London, United Kingdom, (2) University Of East Anglia, United Kingdom, (3) University College London Hospitals, United Kingdom, (4) Chelsea And Westminster Hospital, United Kingdom 2394O0918 The challenge of aetiologic diagnosis of subacute or chronic meningitis Fereshte Sheybani 17-04-202313:54Hall COS191 1-hour Oral Session New developments in bacterial CNS infections 13:30 Fereshte Sheybani (1), Mahboubeh Haddad (1), Matin Shirazinia (1), Hadi Farsiani (2), Zahra Baghestani (3) - (1) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Tropical Medicine, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of, (2) Department Of Microbiology And Virology, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of, (3) Department Of Neurology, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 2396P2609 Isothermal amplification for fast time-to-results in diagnostic: a rapid and sensitive RT-LAMP assay for the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus Mallory Draye17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS085 Poster Session 12d. Diagnostics (incl. molecular, genomic, rapid tests) 12:00 Mallory Draye, Florence Nazé, Perrine Boland, Carmen Mendoza Moreno, Laurence Turpin, Pascal Mertens - (1) Coris Bioconcept, Belgium 2397P2722 Systematic screening for SARS-CoV-2 in 18 emer- gency departments: the DEPIST-COVID cluster-ran- domised two-period crossover trial Judith Leblanc17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS089 Poster Session 12h. Infection prevention and control (incl. healthcare facilities, community, schools) 12:00 Judith Leblanc (1, 2), Lisbeth Dusserre-Telmon (3), Anthony Chauvin (4, 5), Tabassome Simon (2, 6), Chiara Sabbatini (7), Karla Hemming (8), Vittoria Colizza (7), Laurence Bérard (2), Jérome Convert (4), Hélène Roland (9), Alexandra Stéphane (10), Sonia Lazazga (11), Carole Jegou (12), Nabila Taibi (13), Sandrine Dautheville (14), Damien Zaghia (15), Camille Gerlier (16), Muriel Domergue (17), Florine Larrouturou (18), Florence Bonnet (19), Arnaud Fontanet (20), Sarah Salhi (2), Jérome Le Goff (21, 22), Anne-Claude Crémi eux (23, 5) - (1) Sorbonne Université, Inserm, Pierre Louis Institute Of Epidemiology And Public Health, France, (2) Ap-Hp, Hôpital St Antoine, Urc-Est, France, (3) Centre HospItalyr De Melun, Emergency Department, France, (4) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Lariboisière, Emergency Department, France, (5) Université De Paris, France, (6) Sorbonne Université, France, (7) Inserm, Sorbonne Université, Pierre Louis Institute Of Epidemiology And Public Health, France, (8) University Of Birmingham, United Kingdom, (9) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Cochin, Emergency Department, France, (10) Groupement HospItalyr De Territoire Nord-Ouest Vexin Val-D’Oise, Emergency Department, France, (11) Centre HospItalyr De Gonesse, Emergency Department, France, (12) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Avicenne, Emergency Department, France, (13) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Emergency Department, France, (14) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Tenon, Emergency Department, France, (15) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Beaujon, Emergency Department, France, (16) Hôpital Paris St Joseph, Emergency Department, France, (17) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Emergency Department, France, (18) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Louis Mourier, Emergency Department, France, (19) Ap-Hp, Hôpital St Antoine, Emergency Department, France, (20) Institut Pasteur, Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Unit, France, (21) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Virology Department, France, (22) Université De Paris, Inserm U 2398P2991 Assessment of participant-reported adverse events following the two doses of inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine through a telephone survey in Turkey Aslihan Coskun17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS071 Poster Session 10c. General vaccinology (incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, policy, social aspects) 12:00 Aslihan Coskun (1), Fehminaz Temel (2), Pervin Ozelci (3), Selmur Topal (2), Ihsan Ates (4), Rabia Cakir Koc (5), Erhan Akdogan (6), Ates Kara (3) - (1) Health Institutes Of Türkiye, Türkiye Vaccine Institute, Turkey, (2) Md, Ministry Of Health, Türkiye, General Directorate Of Public Health, Department Of Communicable Diseases And Early Warning, Field Epidemiology Unit, Turkey, (3) Md, Health Institutes Of Türkiye, Türkiye Vaccine Institute, Turkey, (4) Md, Ankara City Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic, Turkey, (5) Health Institutes Of Türkiye, Türkiye, Biotechnology Institute, Turkey, (6) Health Institutes Of Türkiye, Turkey 2399P0501 Performance of an automated rapid system for piperacillin/tazobactam testing with characterized OXA-1 and TEM-1 Escherichia coli strains Lorena López Cerero 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS022 Poster Session 3e. Resistance detection / pre- diction approaches (rapid and/ or molecular assays, resistome analysis, inference methods) 12:00 Lorena López Cerero (1, 2, 3), Ida Niklasson (4), Elin Helgesson (4), Frida Wennerholm (4), Lovisa Persson (4), Markus Klintstedt (4), Inmaculada López-Hernández (2), Alvaro Pascual (2, 1, 3) - (1) Departamento De Microbiología. Facultad De Medicina., Spain, (2) Unidad De Microbiología Y Enfermedades Infecciosas. Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Spain, (3) Centro De Investigación Biomédica En Red En Enfermedades Infecciosas (Ciberinfec), Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii , Spain, (4) Q-Linea, Sweden 2400P1188 Real-time reporting of significant bloodstream isolates and patient mortality: a retrospective analysis of 6,225 adult patients with bloodstream infection Berta Isabel Fidalgo Pardo 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS011 Poster Session 2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl. epidemiology, diagnosis, host bio-markers, treat- ment and outcome prediction) 12:00 Berta Isabel Fidalgo Pardo, Laura Morata, Marina Fernández, Josep Mensa, Jordi Vila, Alex Soriano, Climent Casals - (1) Hospital Clínica, Spain 2402P1813 Optimization of sample collection and storage for human gut microbiota studies Anna Franzoni16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS032 Poster Session 4g. Microbiome studies (incl. clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects) 12:00 Anna Franzoni, Matteo Miriani, Cristiano Sabelli - (1) Copan Italia, Italy 2403P1029 Engineering therapeutic bacteriophages against A. baumannii by adjusting phage specificity to cover a large range of capsular types Rita Domingues15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS067 Poster Session 9d.Experimental and cellular microbiology 12:00 Rita Domingues, Hugo Oliveira, Joana Azeredo - (1) University Of Minho, Portugal 2404P3153 Complexities of haemophagocytic lymphohistiocy- tosis in advanced human immunodeficiency virus Usha Manicka- vasagar 18-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS094 Poster Session 13a. Viral infections12:00 Usha Manickavasagar, Claire Italiano - (1) Department Of Infectious Diseases And Microbiology, Royal Perth Hospital, Australia 2405P0974 Impact of sucroferric oxyhydroxide on the oral and intestinal microbiome in hemodialysis patients Mohamed M. H. Abdelbary 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS065 Poster Session 9b. Host-pathogen interaction (incl. basic microbiome studies, animal models) 12:00 Mohamed M. H. Abdelbary (1), Christoph Kuppe (2), Sareh Said-Yekta Michael (3), Thilo Krüger (2, 4), Jürgen Floege (2), Georg Conrads (1) - (1) Division Of Oral Microbiology And Immunology, Department Of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology And Preventive Dentistry, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (Rwth) University Hospital, Germany, (2) Department Of Nephrology And Clinical Immunology, Rwth University Hospital, Germany, (3) Department Of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology And Preventive Dentis try, Rwth University Hospital, Germany, (4) Davita Clinical Research Gmbh, Germany 2406P0705 Cefiderocol for ventilator-associated respiratory infection due to carbapenem-resistant Acinetobac- ter spp.: a retrospective review of the Early Access Programme database Maddalena Giannella 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS058 Poster Session 8d. Healthcare-associated pneu- monia (incl. VAP) 12:00 Maddalena Giannella (1), Stefano Verardi (2), Andreas Karas (2), Hasania Abdel Hadi (3), Hervé Dupont (4), Alex Soriano (5), Anne Santerre Henriksen (6), Andrew Cooper (7), Marco Falcone (8) - (1) Infectious Diseases Unit, Irccs Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Di Bologna, Italy, (2) Infectious Diseases, Shionogi B.V., United Kingdom, (3) Unidad De Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital General Universitario, Spain, (4) Anesthesiology And Critical Care Medicine, Centre HospItalyr Universitaire D’Amiens Picardie, France, (5) Department Of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Clínic De Barcelona, Idibaps, Ciberinf, Spain, (6) Contractor For Shionogi B.V.; Maxel Consulting Aps, Denmark, (7) Global Epidemiology And Real-World Evidence, Shionogi B.V., United Kingdom, (8) Infectious Diseases Unit, Department Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine, University Of Pisa, Italy 2409P2929 Monkeypox virus (Mpox) outbreak in Berlin: implementation of molecular diagnostics Martin Ober- meier 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS006 Poster Session 1f. Diagnostic virology (other than respiratory viruses, herpesviruses, hepatitis & HIV) 12:00 Martin Obermeier, Özlem Yildirim, Robert Ehret - (1) Mikrobiologisches Zentrum Berlin, GermanyFINAL PROGRAMME – 33RD ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 2023 17 CategorySub-categoryLink AbstractsLink EposterLink Oral Session 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2d. Community-acquired abdominal/ gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13550&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1327 2) Institute For Food Safety And Hygiene, University Of Zurich, Switzerland, (3) Institute Of Microbiology, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland 09. Experimental microbiology, micro- bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9c. Preclinical biofilm studies https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13551&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1000 cm, Spain, (3) Department Of Pharmacy Of Hospital Gregorio Marañón (Hgugm), Spain 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13552&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1696 partment Of Microbiology, Immunology And Transplantation, Ku Leuven, Belgium, (2) Department Of Laboratory Medicine And National Reference Center For Respiratory Pathogens, University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium, (3) Thermo Fisher Scientific, United States 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4d. Molecular diagnostics (incl. POCT and syndromic testing) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13553&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=OS219 , (2) University Of East Anglia, United Kingdom, (3) University College London Hospitals, United Kingdom, (4) Chelsea And Westminster Hospital, United Kingdom 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2f. Community acquired nervous sys- tem and other multi-system bacterial infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13556&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=OS191 epartment Of Microbiology And Virology, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of, (3) Department Of Neurology, Faculty Of Medicine, Mashhad University Of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic Of 12. COVID-19 12d. Diagnostics (incl. molecular, geno- mic, rapid tests) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13558&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2609 12. COVID-19 12h. Infection prevention and control (incl. healthcare facilities, community, schools) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13559&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2722 , Carole Jegou (12), Nabila Taibi (13), Sandrine Dautheville (14), Damien Zaghia (15), Camille Gerlier (16), Muriel Domergue (17), Florine Larrouturou (18), Florence Bonnet (19), Arnaud Fontanet (20), Sarah Salhi (2), Jérome Le Goff (21, 22), Anne-Claude Crémi- cy Department, France, (5) Université De Paris, France, (6) Sorbonne Université, France, (7) Inserm, Sorbonne Université, Pierre Louis Institute Of Epidemiology And Public Health, France, (8) University Of Birmingham, United Kingdom, (9) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Cochin, ance, (13) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Emergency Department, France, (14) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Tenon, Emergency Department, France, (15) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Beaujon, Emergency Department, France, (16) Hôpital Paris St Joseph, Emergency Department, France, (17) y Unit, France, (21) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Virology Department, France, (22) Université De Paris, Inserm U 9746 , France, (23) Ap-Hp, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Infectious Diseases Department, France 10. Immunology, Immune compromise & vaccinology 10c. General vaccinology (incl. in vitro and in vivo studies, policy, social aspects) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13560&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2991 e Of Public Health, Department Of Communicable Diseases And Early Warning, Field Epidemiology Unit, Turkey, (3) Md, Health Institutes Of Türkiye, Türkiye Vaccine Institute, Turkey, (4) Md, Ankara City Hospital, Internal Medicine Clinic, Turkey, (5) Health Institutes 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3e. Resistance detection / prediction approaches (rapid and/or molecular assays, resistome analysis, inference methods) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13561&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0501 idad De Microbiología Y Enfermedades Infecciosas. Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena, Spain, (3) Centro De Investigación Biomédica En Red En Enfermedades Infecciosas (Ciberinfec), Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii , Spain, (4) Q-Linea, Sweden 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2b. Severe sepsis, bacteraemia & endocarditis (incl. epidemiology, diag- nosis, host bio-markers, treatment and outcome prediction) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13562&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1188 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4g. Microbiome studies (incl. clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13564&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1813 09. Experimental microbiology, micro - bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9d. Experimental and cellular micro- biology https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13565&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1029 13. Case reports and case series (n<10) 13a. Viral infections https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13566&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P3153 09. Experimental microbiology, micro- bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9b. Host-pathogen interaction (incl. ba- sic microbiome studies, animal models) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13567&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0974 tistry, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (Rwth) University Hospital, Germany, (2) Department Of Nephrology And Clinical Immunology, Rwth University Hospital, Germany, (3) Department Of Operative Dentistry, Periodontology And Preventive Dentis- 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8d. Healthcare-associated pneumonia (incl. VAP) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13568&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0705 i Bologna, Italy, (2) Infectious Diseases, Shionogi B.V., United Kingdom, (3) Unidad De Cuidados Intensivos, Hospital General Universitario, Spain, (4) Anesthesiology And Critical Care Medicine, Centre HospItalyr Universitaire D’Amiens Picardie, France, (5) Department t Of Clinical And Experimental Medicine, University Of Pisa, Italy 01. Viral infection & disease (non CO- VID-19) 1f. Diagnostic virology (other than respiratory viruses, herpesviruses, hepatitis & HIV) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13571&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2929ABSTRACTS18 Abstracts Nr & Co-authors Presentation Nr TitlePresenterDateTime Inter- vention LocationSession Code Session TypeSessionSession Time 2410P0892Fecal microbiota, another bites the dustCarmen Chen15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS061 Poster Session 8g. Infection control interventions and trials (incl. microbiota trans- plantation) 12:00 Adèle Rakotonirina (1, 2), Carmen Chen (3), Elena Montenegro-Borbolla (3), Maxime Audry (4), Laurent Carrez (4), Marie Kroemer (4), Farshid Sadeghipour (4, 2, 1), Claire Bertelli (5), Benoît Guery (3), Eric Allémann (1, 2), Tatiana Galperine (3, 6) - (1) School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Of Geneva, Switzerland, (2) Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Of Western Switzerland, University Of Geneva, Switzerland, (3) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Medicine, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (4) Service Of Pharmacy, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, (5) Institute Of Microbiology, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, Switzerland, (6) French Group Of Faecal Microbiota Transplantation, France 2411E1334 Persistence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 cellular immune response developed post-infection or post-vac- cination Lilia Matei18-04-202314:48Arena 2EF271 1-hour ePoster Flash Session License to SARS-CoV-2 immunity14:30 Lilia Matei (1), Mihaela Chivu-Economescu (1), Oana Luminita Voicu (1), Madalina Camelia Sultana (2, 1), Elena Radu (3, 2, 1), Coralia Bleotu (1), Carmen Cristina Diaconu (1), Simona Maria Ruta (2, 1) - (1) Stefan S Nicolau Institute Of Virology, Romania, (2) Carol Davila University Of Medicine And Pharmacy, Romania, (3) Institute For Water Quality, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria 2414P1355 Descriptive study of intra-abdominal anaerobic infections in a tertiary hospital in Spain Carmen Ez- peleta 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS013 Poster Session 2d. Community-acquired abdo- minal/gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Cristina Bayo (1), Aitziber Aguinaga (1, 2), Carmen Ezpeleta (1, 2) - (1) Clinical Microbiology Department. Hospital Universitario De Navarra, Spain, (2) Instituto De Investigación Sanitaria De Navarra (Idisna), Spain 2417O0786 Rapid colistin MIC determination by flow-cytomet- ry directly from positive blood cultures Rosário Gomes17-04-202310:18Hall NOS158 2-hour Oral Session Last line antibiotics against pan- drug resistant Gram-negative bacteria 8:30 Daniela Fonseca E Silva (1), Sara Cruz (2), Rosário Gomes (3), Inês Oliveira-Martins (3, 2), Ana Silva-Dias (3, 2, 4), Blanca Perez-Viso (5, 6), M. H. Ramos (1), António Sarmento (7), A. G. Rodrigues (2, 3, 4), Rafael Cantón (5, 6), Cidália Pina-Vaz (2, 3, 4) - (1) Clinical Microbiology Department, Hospital And University Center Of Porto, Portugal, (2) Division Of Microbiology, Department Of Pathology, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Porto, Portugal, (3) Fastinov Sa, Portugal, (4) Cintesis-Center For Health Technology And Services Research, Faculty Of Medicine Of The University Of Porto, Portugal, (5) Servicio De Microbiología, Hospital Universitario Ramón Y Cajal And Instituto Ramón Y Cajal De Investigación Sanitaria (Irycis), Spain, (6) Ciber De Enfermedades Infecciosas, Instituto De Salud Carlos Iii, Spain, (7) Centro Hospitalar De São João, Department Of Infectious Diseases, Portugal 2418P1028 The combinatory effect of novel lytic bacterio- phages and chitosan-capped silver nanoparticles against carbapenem-resistant pathogenicEsche- richia coli Kenneth Sseka- tawa 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS067 Poster Session 9d.Experimental and cellular microbiology 12:00 Kenneth Ssekatawa, Jesca Nakavuma, Charles Drago Kato, Eddie Wampande, John Baptist Kirabira - (1) Makerere University, Uganda 2419P2172 New amides of shikimic acid as powerful anti- microbial agents – synthesis, in vitro and in silico studies Simeon Di- mitrov 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS036 Poster Session 5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & basic pharmacology of antibacteri- al agents (incl. investigational and non-traditional therapeutics) 12:00 Simeon Dimitrov (1), Ivaylo Slavchev (2), Tania Pencheva (3), Georgi Dobrikov (2), Violeta Valcheva (1) - (1) 1 The Stephan Angeloff Insitute Of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Bulgaria, (2) 2Institute Of Organic Chemistry With Centre Of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Bulgaria, (3) 3Institute Of Biophysics And Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Bulgaria 2420P1814 Methods for studying the bacterial urinary micro- biome of non-menopausal women Camille Vil- lenave 16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS032 Poster Session 4g. Microbiome studies (incl. clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects) 12:00 Camille Villenave (1), Sandrine Dahyot (2), Marie Leoz (1), Maxime Grand (1), Chervin Hassel (1), Martine Pestel-Caron (2) - (1) Normandie Univ, Unirouen, Unicaen, Inserm Umr 1311 Dynamicure, France, (2) Normandie Univ, Unirouen, Unicaen Inserm Umr 1311 Dynamicure, Chu Rouen, Service De Bactériologie, France 2421P2979 Prevention of infection in patients on biological targeted therapy Ana Peris17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS070 Poster Session 10b. Infections in immunocompro- mised hosts (incl. epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis, treatment, excl. fungal infections) 12:00 Ana Peris (1), Olga Hladun (2), Melani Núñez (2), Ana María Barriocanal (3), Maria Luisa Pedro-Botet (4), Eva Montané (5) - (1) Department Of Infectious Diseases, Fight Infections Foundation. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital, Spain, (2) Department Of Clinical Pharmacology. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital, Spain, (3) Institute Germans Trias I Pujol Foundation, Spain, (4) Department Of Infectious Diseases. Autonomous University Of Barcelona. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital. Ciberes Isciii, Spain, (5) Department Of Clinical Pharmaco logy. Autonomous University Of Barcelona. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital, Spain 2422P2806 Hepatitis A outbreak in persons living with HIV and men who have sex with men using pre-exposure prophylaxis, Croatia, January to October 2022 Nikolina Bog- danić 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS002 Poster Session 1b. Viral hepatitis (incl. diagnostics & epidemiology, antiviral drugs, vaccines, treatment & susceptibili- ty/resistance) 12:00 Nikolina Bogdanić (1), Josip Begovac (1, 2), Loris Močibob (1), Šime Zekan (1, 2), Ivana Grgić (1), Josip Ujević (1), Oktavija Đaković Rode (1, 3), Snježana Židovec Lepej (1, 4) - (1) University Hospital For Infectious Diseases, Croatia, (2) University Of Zagreb, School Of Medicine, Croatia, (3) School Of Dental Medicine, University Of Zagreb, Croatia, (4) Faculty Of Science, University Of Zagreb, Croatia 2423P3347 Successful repeat liver transplantation during treatment for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis and pulmonary nocardiosis: a case report Sarah Cole18-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS096 Poster Session 13c. Fungal infections12:00 Sarah Cole, Siong Hui - (1) Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Australia 2424P2426 Results of a longitudinal serostudy of SARS-CoV-2 IgG among staff in an Irish tertiary hospital using Alinity IgG assay Stephen Con- nolly 17-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS083 Poster Session 12b. Epidemiology - local, regio- nal, national, global 12:00 Stephen Connolly (1, 2), Daragh Mcgee (1), Sandra Green (1), Paul Duggan (1), Robert Browne (1), David Green (1), Alejandro Abner Garcia Leon (3), Dana Alalwan (3), Sarah Miles (3), Rita Negi (3), Dominick Natin (1), Graham Lee (1), Patrick Mallon (3), Eavan Muldoon (1, 2), John Shearer Lambert (1, 2), Gerard Sheehan (1), Tara Mcginty (1, 4), Aoife Cotter (1, 4) - (1) Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland, (2) University College Dublin School Of Medicine, (3) University College Dublin Centre For Experiemental Patho gen-Host Research (Cephr), Ireland, (4) University College Dublin Centre For Experiemental Pathogen-Host Research (Cephr) 2426P0796 Comparison of matrix assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry vs metagenomic sequencing for the assessment of surfaces in healthcare facilities in outbreak situations Oscar Previtali15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS059 Poster Session 8e. Hospital epidemiology, trans- mission, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) 12:00 Shanom Ali (1), Oscar Previtali (2), Hermine Mkrtchyan (2) - (1) Ucl Hospitals Nhs Trust, United Kingdom, (2) School Of Biomedical Sciences, University Of West London, United Kingdom 2427E0479 Chronic schistosomiasis and strongyloidiasis amongst Ethiopian immigrants in Netanya Talya Finn16-04-20239:48Arena 4EF090 1-hour ePoster Flash Session Intestinal pathogens: old prob- lems, new challenges 9:30 Talya Finn (1), Frida Babushkin (1), Keren Geller (1), Lellouche Jonathan (1, 2), Grossman Tamar (3), Regev Cohen (4, 5) - (1) Sanz Medical Centre, Laniado Hospital, Israel, (2) Ariel University, Israel, (3) Public Health Laboratories –Jerusalem (Phl-J), Public Health Services (Phs), Ministry Of Health (Moh), Israel, (4) Infectious Diseases And Infection Control Units, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Israel, (5) The Ruth And Bruce Rappaport Faculty Of Medicine, Technion, Israel 2429P0814 EpiLinx: an interactive tool for tracking epidemio- logical links in nosocomial outbreaks Anna Emilie Henius 15-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS059 Poster Session 8e. Hospital epidemiology, trans- mission, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) 12:00 Anna Emilie Henius, Lone Jannok Porsbo, Anette Marie Hammerum, Kasper Thystrup Karstensen, Kåre Mølbak, Henrik Hasman - (1) Statens Serum Institut, Denmark 2430P1305 Characterisation of serotypes and resistance pat- terns of Streptococcus pneumoniaeresponsible for lower respiratory tract infections in Polish adults Kinga Błaszczyk16-04-202312:00 Poster Area PS012 Poster Session 2c. Community-acquired respira- tory infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) 12:00 Kinga Błaszczyk, Izabela Wróbel-Pawelczyk, Patrycja Ronkiewicz, Agnieszka Gołębiewska, Marlena Kiedrowska, Alicja Kuch, Waleria Hryniewicz, Anna Skoczyńska - (1) National Medicines Institute, PolandFINAL PROGRAMME – 33RD ECCMID Copenhagen, Denmark 2023 19 CategorySub-categoryLink AbstractsLink EposterLink Oral Session 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8g. Infection control interventions and trials (incl. microbiota transplantation) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13572&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0892 rmaceutical Sciences, University Of Geneva, Switzerland, (2) Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Of Western Switzerland, University Of Geneva, Switzerland, (3) Infectious Diseases Service, Department Of Medicine, University Hospital And University Of Lausanne, 12. COVID-19 12f. Immune response and modulation (incl. immunity and response measu- rement, immunomodulation, antibody treatment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13573&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E1334https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-18&openSession=EF271 vila University Of Medicine And Pharmacy, Romania, (3) Institute For Water Quality, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2d. Community-acquired abdominal/ gastrointestinal, urinary tract & genital infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13576&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1355 03. Bacterial suscepti- bility & resistance 3c. Susceptibility testing methods (incl. assay validation, phenotypic assays and comparative studies, excl. TB) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13579&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-17&openSession=OS158 robiology Department, Hospital And University Center Of Porto, Portugal, (2) Division Of Microbiology, Department Of Pathology, Faculty Of Medicine, University Of Porto, Portugal, (3) Fastinov Sa, Portugal, (4) Cintesis-Center For Health Technology And Services arlos Iii, Spain, (7) Centro Hospitalar De São João, Department Of Infectious Diseases, Portugal 09. Experimental microbiology, micro- bial pathogenesis & biofilm 9d. Experimental and cellular micro- biology https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13580&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1028 05. New antibacte- rial agents, PK/PD & Stewardship 5a. Mechanisms of action, new compounds, preclinical data & basic pharmacology of antibacterial agents (incl. investigational and non-traditional therapeutics) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13581&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2172 y, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Bulgaria, (3) 3Institute Of Biophysics And Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy Of Sciences, Bulgaria 04. Diagnostic micro- biology 4g. Microbiome studies (incl. clinical and diagnostic studies, One Health aspects) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13582&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1814 ynamicure, Chu Rouen, Service De Bactériologie, France 10. Immunology, Immune compromise & vaccinology 10b. Infections in immunocompromi- sed hosts (incl. epidemiology, clinical features and diagnosis, treatment, excl. fungal infections) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13583&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2979 cology. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital, Spain, (3) Institute Germans Trias I Pujol Foundation, Spain, (4) Department Of Infectious Diseases. Autonomous University Of Barcelona. Germans Trias I Pujol Hospital. Ciberes Isciii, Spain, (5) Department Of Clinical Pharmaco- 01. Viral infection & disease (non CO- VID-19) 1b. Viral hepatitis (incl. diagnostics & epidemiology, antiviral drugs, vaccines, treatment & susceptibility/resistance) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13584&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2806 Medicine, Croatia, (3) School Of Dental Medicine, University Of Zagreb, Croatia, (4) Faculty Of Science, University Of Zagreb, Croatia 13. Case reports and case series (n<10) 13c. Fungal infections https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13585&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P3347 12. COVID-19 12b. Epidemiology - local, regional, national, global https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13586&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P2426 oon (1, 2), John Shearer Lambert (1, 2), Gerard Sheehan (1), Tara Mcginty (1, 4), Aoife Cotter (1, 4) - (1) Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Ireland, (2) University College Dublin School Of Medicine, (3) University College Dublin Centre For Experiemental Patho- 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13588&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0796 07. Parasitic diseases & global health 7e. Travel medicine, migrant and refugee health https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13589&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=E0479https://online.eccmid.org/programme-live-1?coday=2023-04-16&openSession=EF090 ices (Phs), Ministry Of Health (Moh), Israel, (4) Infectious Diseases And Infection Control Units, Hillel Yaffe Medical Center, Israel, (5) The Ruth And Bruce Rappaport Faculty Of Medicine, Technion, Israel 08. Healthcare-as- sociated infections, infection prevention & control 8e. Hospital epidemiology, transmis- sion, surveillance & screening (incl. environment) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13591&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P0814 02. Bacterial infection & disease 2c. Community-acquired respiratory infections (incl. epidemiology, clinical, imaging, treatment & prevention) https://escmid.reg.key4events.com/AbstractList.aspx?e=17&header=0&ai=13592&preview=1&aig=-1https://online.eccmid.org/container-intervention-lookup.php?p=1&interv=P1305Next >