< Previous– 10 – Selma Habibovi ć With hope to take off our masks, fight the pandemic and enjoy the natural beauties. Let’s admire the flight of butterflies and the smell of flowers. Don’t lose faith in a better tomorrow. Where there is love for nature, there is life. Where there is love there is life AGAR ART– 11 – Joana Silva On these agar plates some bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Serratia marcescens) welcome everyone to our beautiful country and the City of Lisbon. Lisbon by Microbes AGAR ART– 12 – Eleni Ioannidou Creative upcycling. The idea behind the creation of mosaics utilizing expired pills was born in the community pharmacy. Part of the donated medicines would end up expiring and had to be thrown out. For proper recycling we were opening up the packages in order to separate the packaging from the pills. During that process I noticed the beautiful colors and shapes each pill would have, and I decided to try to use them as inlays in order to make mosaics with a meaningful message. The final product is in my blog eleniioannidou.blogspot.com MOSAIC Wear a mask– 13 – Sevak Mirabyan Mosaic made for ECCMID 2022 MOSAIC Mosaic made for ECCMID 2022– 14 – Loua Aniti At the forefront of the pandemic and beyond : surfing on a fifth wave of variants, with the help of ventilators, masks, mRNA technology and public support. PAINTING Two years on a line– 15 – Shiyamalee Arunasalam This drawing shows a Laboratory Technician working in COVID -19 PCR laboratory, who lost her father during the pandemic. She returned to work within few days after the loss, as the lab workload was heavy. While transferring the samples to cabinet soon after the unpacking, she noticed a patient’s name exactly similar to her Dad’s name. Her eyes filled with tears and started to rolldown, she couldn’t even wipe the tears out because of PPE. Somehow she tries to stop the tears rolling down by tilted her head up…Because, she knows how it feels wearing a mask wetted with tears…!!! PAINTING Back to work. Before the memories fade away..!!!– 16 – Jéssica Louise Benelli Hey, can you see me? Can you hear me? Few people are used to “seeing” us, thinking about us we are neglected diseases. Now, all the spotlights are on COVID-19, but we’re still here, and we’ll stay here even after the pandemic is under control. Frightened people, health services and professionals overworked, exhausted, exposing themselves every day... This has aggravated the shadow that settles over other neglected diseases, such as fungal diseases. Not every cough is COVID-19, not every fever is COVID-19, not every flu syndrome is COVID-19. Investigate, think, reflect... Don’t make us invisible, please. PAINTING What no one sees: COVID-19 and neglected diseases– 17 – Grace Chan As society recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic and booster vaccines are rolled out, people are encouraged to adhere to the recommended public health measures while enjoying quality time with family. PAINTING Beyond the pandemic– 18 – Youmna Dirani Arabic thank you to healthcare workers PAINTING HOPE– 19 – Caroline DSouza Journey of Coronavirus - From the White market of Wuhan to the Black streets of New York. PAINTING Journey of Coronavirus Next >